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star worshipping heathen that dwells within the confines of mystical Iberian caves and joins civilisation once every eon in order to see if Robespierre has been reincarnated

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Aστραίᾱ's books

Currently Reading (View all 24)

This is a story set in a post-apocalyptic future. The Cold War progressed until it …

Review of 'I Have No Mouth and I Must Scream' on 'Goodreads'

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To possess power compared to that of a God and yet be shackled by the limitations of a material vessel could certainly be compared to the dichotomy of the lambless worshiper, in both of these cases one is confronted with an unlimited reservoir of will to action and yet the medium through which that action could be actualized is either nonexistent or completely out of reach.

A (self proclaimed) God without the means to enact its doing. A worshiper without the sacrificial vessel to appease the desires of his divinity. Both of these paths are crafted alongside that of a destructive corruption that annihilates from the inside out. The will, once a source of strength for its possessor, becomes a parasite ready to feast upon the flesh of its carrier (or if you would rather, the transistors of its processor?).

There is really not much I can say regarding this …

Thomas C. Foster: How to Read Literature Like a Professor (2003, Harper) 4 stars

What does it mean when a fictional hero takes a journey?. Shares a meal? Gets …

Review of 'How to Read Literature Like a Professor' on 'Goodreads'

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Not necessarily an eye opening read but I really cannot comment since I happened to be blessed with one of the most enlightening and merciless literature professors during my 11th year of the lobotomy-sing institution we refer to as obligatory education.

I would recommend this book to be read by those that find themselves beginning to develop an interest in classical literature, there is a certain depth that is left forgotten when a novice reader filled with cunning is faced with how ‘boring’ classics can be, not every story is solely about the characters and their actions, you must go beyond the apparent plot and truly allow yourself to dissect the inherent interconnectivity of the text with the various literary traditions that came before it, and consequently, the humanity it contains within the unending flow of words.

Anaïs Nin: House of incest (1994, Swallow Press/Ohio University Press) 5 stars

Review of 'House of incest' on 'Goodreads'

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Some quotes from this book that made me want to bash my skull against the nearest flat surface!!

“The loved one’s whitest flesh is what the broken glass will cut and the wheel crush. The long howls in the night are howls of death. Night is the collaborator of torturers.”

“At the same time I know that if I stayed in this room a few days an entirely new life could begin—like the soldering of human flesh after an operation. It is the terror of this new life, more than the terror of dying, which arouses me. I jump out of bed and run out of this room growing around me like a poisoned web, seizing my imagination, gnawing into my memory so that in seven moments I will forget who I am and whom I have loved.”

“Reality was drowned and fantasies choked each hour of the day.”

“Don't …

Review of 'Who Cooked the Last Supper' on 'Goodreads'

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I would recommend this book as an introduction to the changing role of women within the ever mutating structure and organization of different forms of human societies, though I would also advise the reader to have a decent grasp upon major historical events and periods before delving into it since the author clearly only glosses through their essence, reducing them mostly to points that will support her argument rather than analyzing them thoroughly. (the reductions made in relation to early Islamic history during the period of Muhamad (PBUH) could have clearly been developed with one simple paragraph addressing the historical relevance of Mecca and the Kaabah, but I digress…)

I believe the main message of this book can quickly be summarized in one quick quote of Virginia Woolf (para as pessoas que me conhecem irl, não se assustem meus bens, a mulher ate que tem quotes interessantes):

“When, however, one …

Shulamith Firestone: The Dialectic of Sex (2003, Farrar, Straus and Giroux) 4 stars

The Dialectic of Sex: The Case for Feminist Revolution is a 1970 book by Shulamith …

Review of 'The Dialectic of Sex' on 'Goodreads'

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In “The Dialectic of Sex: The Case for Feminist Revolution”, Shulamith Firestone presents us with a deeper view into the root of the oppression of women as a sex class.

Firestone recognizes that at a biological level women have been burdened with aspects that limit their bodily freedom in comparison with that of their male counterparts, she continues then to present this simple biological difference as the element upon which further patriarchal cultural influences will build their justification for the oppression of women as not only the ‘morally right’ thing to do but also as the natural order of things.

Throughout the chapters of this works, Firestone constructs a mosaic of sorts that allows us to see the grand picture, to trace back the sources of not only the oppression of women but also that of children, and how these two different classes of people have been bundled together for …

Helene P. Foley: The Homeric hymn to Demeter (Hardcover, 1994, Princeton University Press) 4 stars

Review of 'The Homeric hymn to Demeter' on 'Goodreads'

4 stars

Demeter has been demoted from the role of protective and caring parent into that of the obsessively annoying mother that just won't let you hang out with your emo boyfriend who just so happens to live in a hole in the ground and prohibits you from seeing her for nearly 6 months every consecutive year (your boyfriend also just happens to be your uncle).

Such a gripping myth that delves into crucial themes of the clashing of the female and male spaces within culture be it divine or mortal, the intricacies of mother-daughter dynamics, and how this relationship would be violently and mercilessly ripped apart be it by marriage, rape or war, has been amateurishly and foolishly dissected by the modern audiences that pick whatever portions they see fit and leave the majority of its carcass in the dissection table, left to rot unattended.

I am certain that in order …

Salman Rushdie: Languages of Truth (2021, Random House) 5 stars

A selection of essays, reviews and speeches by Salman Rushdie from 2003 to 2020.

Review of 'Languages of Truth' on 'Goodreads'

5 stars

I am an extremely methodical person. Every time a certain area of study is capable of catching my wandering eye my first and foremost instinct is to grab the nearest pen and paper and begin my quest to find, categorize and catalog the best books in regards to my surging obsession.

I think that, maybe, it is a side effect of so many years of volunteering for my school's library, or my previous intentions of pursuing archival studies, or perhaps it is something much more primal, something buried deep enough within myself so that I find my own being unable to differentiate its beginning from its end, to recognize its core and say ‘I understand you and therefore I have become one with you, my fear for your existence is no longer justifiable, for you are me and I am you’.

All of this simply to delineate the brutality with …