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Autiste à Vaud L'eau Locked account

Joined 4 months, 3 weeks ago

==ENGLISH== My pseudo is a pun on a French expression, "À vau-l'eau", meaning "kind of adrift", and the name of the Swiss Canton (State) where I live, Vaud, which is pronunced the same as "vau". The whole thing means "Adrift autist from Vaud". Until about 10 years ago, I was a pretty rabid reader, although I would often read the same book again and again and again (up to 100 times). But then, I went through a sever burn-out and reading, which had always been a way for me to restore my emotional and cognitive capaicities suddenly became a heavy weight, that kept reminding me of the time when things were much better and that I could never return to that. I was still reading from times to times, but only academic books of the type I had been reading during my studies. But I couldn't open a fictional novel anymore. SInce, I haven't been able to find any activity that could really replace reading for restoring my mind, I have progressively decided to get back to reading novels I used to read, but which are not too related to specific period of my life, especially not my childhood. Now, I alternate between so-called "academic" reading and novels, especially the fantasy type (like Mists of Avalon).

Although I'm fairly fluent in English, I do tend to publish a lot in French.

==FRANÇAIS== Comme indiqué dans mon nom de profil, je suis autiste et un peu perdue! J'étais une grosse lectrice jusqu'à ce qu'il y a quelques années, je perde le goût de lire des livres, pour me focaliser uniquement sur des articles. Cette période a correspondu aussi à mon burn-out. Progressivement, je reprends goût à la lecture, même si c'est plutôt des ouvrages de type "académique", c'est-à-dire, de la philosophie, de la sociologie, de l'anthropologie, de l'histoire et des sciences-po. Ceux-ci me sont en grande partie inspirés par les débats que je suis en ligne, notamment chez de nombreux vidéastes, aussi passionnants que talentueux, qui abordent des thématiques qui m'ont toujours intéressée et le font en profondeur, avec beaucoup de références à lire. Mais, je commence aussi à apprécier de nouveau certains romans que je lisais à la fin de mes études.

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Loi européenne sur le viol: «Macron est sur la même ligne qu’Orbán, c’est une honte»

La France refuse de voter pour une directive qui instaure une définition du viol fondée sur l’absence de consentement. L’eurodéputée suédoise Evin Incir, corapporteure du texte, appelle le président à ne plus bloquer «la loi la plus importante pour les femmes».

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avatar for Autiste_VaudLeau Autiste à Vaud L'eau boosted

Bonjour le Fediverse !

Ça y est, nous avons notre instance Mastodon. C'est la première fois que nous publions sur un réseau social externe qui nous appartient vraiment \O/

(même si on n'oublie pas le Club bien sûr, qui est un peu notre premier réseau social, et qui est représenté ici-même par ce compte : @mediapartblogs )

On vous explique 2-3 choses, déroulez 👇

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"For instance, on the planet Earth, man had always assumed that he was more intelligent than dolphins because he had achieved so much—the wheel, New York, wars and so on—whilst all the dolphins had ever done was muck about in the water having a good time. But conversely, the dolphins had always believed that they were far more intelligent than man—for precisely the same reasons."
Douglas Adams

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avatar for Autiste_VaudLeau Autiste à Vaud L'eau boosted
avatar for Autiste_VaudLeau Autiste à Vaud L'eau boosted

Bonjour à toutes et tous ! Pour cette année 2024 et dans le cadre du projet nous aimerions documenter plus de dégafamisations d'associations sur le .

Vous êtes une association et avez initié ou finalisé votre démarche de transition numérique éthique ? Venez-nous en parler ☺️ Nous mettrons en valeur votre témoignage sur le Framablog pour créer de l'intelligence collective et de l'émulation !

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Repouets appréciés 🔁🙏️

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So here I am, a woman, who happens to be trans, out for coffee again!

I've already done a day's work, been to the pet shop and homeware store, so the coffee is very welcome!

Three selfies, showing just what a difference light makes.

Firstly, at home with decent indoor light.
Secondly, outside with very soft even light.
Thirdly, in the cafe, with awful, very direct harsh, contrasty light!

CW for eye contact

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Cathy O'Neil: Weapons of Math Destruction (Hardcover, 2016, Crown Publishing Group NY, Crown) 4 stars

A former Wall Street quant sounds an alarm on the mathematical models that pervade modern …

Review of 'Weapons of Math Destruction' on 'Goodreads'

5 stars

My greatest Twitter achievement is that I raved about this book in a tweet and Cathy O'Neil liked it. Maybe I was easily persuaded by O'Neil's writing because I'm an aspiring data scientist hell bent on working for social good. Maybe it's because I've spent years in social justice activism. Or maybe it's because this is just a damn good book. O'Neil walks us through several algorithms wreaking havoc on society -- from hiring to scheduling to performance evaluations. Even if you, like me, were craving more technical material, O'Neil name drops the algorithms and you can simply do a quick Google search on them. This is the kind of popular data science book we need.

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Cathy O'Neil: Weapons of Math Destruction (Paperback, 2017, Broadway Books) 4 stars

A former Wall Street quant sounds an alarm on the mathematical models that pervade modern …

Soon to feel dated, yet plenty to shock.

4 stars

The misuse of mathematical models to punish mostly the poor through opaque and ubiquitous scoring, built on proxied data and mushy questions without feedback or recourse or oversight. Thorough examples across life, with consequential analysis.

Cathy O'Neil: Weapons of Math Destruction (Paperback, 2017, Broadway Books) 4 stars

A former Wall Street quant sounds an alarm on the mathematical models that pervade modern …

An absolut must-read for a world emprisoned in a golden cage

5 stars

If you wish to understand better what is at stakes with the algorithms and the global digital maze we seem to be prisoner of, then, this is a must read. Cathy O'Neil very clearly unravel the intricate technical, philosophical, political and socioeconomic logic at play. She shows how they work together to force an even more violent neoliberalism in every area of our daily lives, whether social, cultural, professional, judiciary, educational or political and economic. It is both quite scary and at the same time empowering, as it gives us the basics to look for collective ways to progressively get out of the maze we've lost ourselves in. As the say goes, knowledge is power, and I believe it has never been more true than today.

I would recommend to read it along Shoshana Zuboff's ( "The Age of Surveillance Capitalism" ( They nicely complement each …