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Avincentor Locked account

Joined 1 year, 6 months ago

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Avincentor's books

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Kevin Mitnick: Art of Invisibility (2019, Little Brown & Company) 4 stars

Be online without leaving a trace. Your every step online is being tracked and stored, …

Interesting book with some nice tips

5 stars

It is a nice read that gives you some decent tips on online anonymity and privacy. The book is easy to understand, and reads nicely. Though the book has a stronger focus on going completely of the grid, which might be to much for most people, it also presents some nice tips that everybody should know about

Jenna Elizabeth Johnson: Luathara - Book Three of the Otherworld Trilogy (EBook) 4 stars

Meghan Elam knows that she belongs in the Otherworld, but she doesn't know if she's …

Enjoyable read that kept me interested in reading

4 stars

This is the third book in the series (and the last book in main story). It is very enjoyable to read. I was eager to read each next chapter and no chapter every bored me. It is easy to read with pleasing storylines