flashy finished reading In a Sunburned Country by Bill Bryson

In a Sunburned Country by Bill Bryson
In a Sunburned Country
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In a Sunburned Country
Bill Bryson describes his attempt to walk the Appalachian Trail with his friend "Stephen Katz". The book is written in …
“Ross Ulbricht had been doing all his Silk Road work from his main daily laptop. One afternoon in September 2013, …
Great book. Many important production concepts explained in an interesting and fun way. Held my interest all the way through. As a fiction book it’s far from perfect, but this is after all a business book.
Some useful concepts, but as a novel it is absolutely terrible. So bad that I gave up halfway into it. Not a great follow up to the Phoenix Project.
Doesn't really say anything new. Little practical advice. Really lost it when the author tells the reader to judge British Petroleum for it's finest moment and not for it's worst, when talking about the oil spill and subsequent PR fiasco.
An epic account of the decades-long battle to control what has emerged as the world’s most critical resource—microchip technology—with the …