Review of 'Shop Class as Soulcraft: An Inquiry Into the Value of Work' on 'Goodreads'
2 stars
My quick summary of this book: "Gosh, why don't more kids enter the trades? It's so remunerative! Plus there's all the bullying and sexual harassment! Doesn't that sound like fun?" I'm being reductive, of course, and there are a few good nuggets of wisdom in here, but parts of this really rubbed me the wrong way. I wanted a stirring defense of the trades, and some practical advice for entering them, but instead you get a lot of warmed over classics references, some thinly veiled and poorly thought-out libertarian arguments, and some not-veiled-at-all sexism instead. About half of this book is quite thoughtful, which kept me reading. But I was having a distracting imaginary argument with the author throughout.