
Review of 'Sources of power' on 'Goodreads'

3 stars

Many studies of how we make decisions treat experience as interference, and seek to eliminate it from the tests. Gary Klein examines how people use experience in high-pressure decision making, such as Fire Fighters, Military Commanders, and ICU doctors. Many of these people say they don't make decisions at all, they look at a situation and simply know what to do. Of course there's something more complex going on here, but people are unable to describe it.

Klein has found good explanations, using what he calls the Recognition-Primed Decision model. His models pass my mental test for good ideas - it seems completely obvious when it's explained, yet it wasn't known before. Mental simulations, storytelling, and relating to existing experiences are all used to figure out the solution to problems.

I have trouble explaining why I didn't enjoy the book more than I did, though. It simply felt long-winded.