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Joined 1 year, 1 month ago

Flutter & FOSS dev, professional orchestra musician, bassoonist, long term linux user, raspberry pi tinkerer, open-source enthusiast, go player, knowledge seeker... Developer & maintainer of Keyoxide Mobile [] and practice suite []

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Blake Crouch: Upgrade (2022) 4 stars

“You are the next step in human evolution.”

At first, Logan Ramsay isn’t sure if …

"The dinosaurs never saw their ending coming. They dies off because one morning, out of the clear blue sky, an asteroid 6.2 miles across smashed into the Yucatan peninsula at 67,000 miles per hour. The end of Homo sapiens lies just over the horizon. We can see it in a thousand metrics. Which means we have a chance. But only if we collectively decide to act. If nothing changes, we will die off for the stupidest reason imaginable, because we refused, for so many childish reasons, to do the obvious things that would save us."