Kill all normies : the online culture wars from Tumblr and 4chan to the alt-right and Trump 3 stars

Review of 'Kill all normies : the online culture wars from Tumblr and 4chan to the alt-right and Trump' on 'Goodreads'

2 stars

I really wanted this to be a book that shows how we ended up where we ended up in us politics right now. Sadly this isn’t it. The author rambles and jumps from a to b back to a without any good structure. She also doesn’t hide her own opinion even when it’s totally unnecessary. Saying Gaming is something a grown up should not do and then explaining the femfrequency videos tells you right there what she thinks of her work.

Also she mixes up a couple of political ideas. Especially in the left part of the spectrum.

I wanted a neutral historical explanation. What I got was the rambling of a person leaning to the right side of the spectrum and proudly sharing all her idealogy.