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Joined 8 months, 4 weeks ago

British Software Engineer who reads mostly sci-fi.

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BoredTrevor's books


R. F. Kuang: Babel (Harper Voyager) 4 stars

Traduttore, traditore: An act of translation is always an act of betrayal. 1828. Robin Swift, …

A Magical Retrospective on Colonialism

4 stars

I very much enjoyed reading this book. It's written in an engaging style that picks you up and draws you along - I found myself page turning and staying up to read one more chapter before bed. Usually a good sign that you've got yourself an engaging read!

The book is a fictionalised alternate history of the British colonial period of the early 19th century. Although it is inescapably told from a 21th century vantage point - the discussions of the characters often use phrases like "lived experience" that are not of their time - I thought it did a great job of setting the scene of the time period with its cruelties, inequalities and contradictions. I was particularly impressed with the setting - the descriptions of Oxford and the way that the author was able to create this feeling of a bubble within the city were especially well done, …

Ken MacLeod: Beyond the Hallowed Sky (2021, Little, Brown Book Group Limited) 4 stars

FTL Submarines Ahoy!

3 stars

I really wanted to enjoy this book. At times it reminded me a lot of a classic Peter F Hamilton story - an interesting geopolitical backdrop, an unusual alien biome to explore, some well sketched characters. Perhaps because of that, I thought I was going to get a sprawling space opera played out on a grand scale. And then just when it was starting to get good, the book ended, leaving me feel a bit let down! I think the problem is in the comparison - a truly Hamiltonian book would have been three times as long and several more plot twists along the way. Maybe at some point I'll pick up the remaining books in the series and see if it gives me what I was craving.

The technology that drives the book is the FTL Submarine. On the surface a weird combination, but Macleod does have a good …

Walter M. Miller Jr.: A Canticle for Leibowitz (Paperback, 2006, Eos) 4 stars

Highly unusual After the Holocaust novel. In the far future, 20th century texts are preserved …

The Future as the Past

3 stars

I love reading old science fiction! Finding out how people in the past thought about how the world would be in the future is often a great window into the preoccupations of the day. You learn about the things they thought would be forever, and how the technologies and progress they haven't been exposed to changed their world view. Through this lens, A Canticle for Leibowitz is an interesting insight into the 1950s and the beginnings of the Cold War.

The central strand running through the book is that even if you send humanity back to a pre-technological state through a nuclear war, it would redevelop along similar lines to how it did the first time. We are introduced to a world that is a post-apocalyptic wasteland and follow humanity as it re-establishes itself in the new world. In a series of vignettes we see three points in time in …