Cindaren reviewed Le Morte d'Arthur by Thomas Malory
Review of "Le Morte d'Arthur" on 'Goodreads'
2 stars
Kinda wish I hadn't read this. Feels like I wasted my time.
Neither of the main characters are very likeable. Karter is so rude in the previous book it's hard to switch gears in this one. And Jax is so dishonest and inconsistent in his expectations. Like he gets mad about the house-hunting because Karter is being too alpha, and then he gets mad about Karter not initiating anything physical because alphas are supposed to be the ones who initiate.
And knowing that Jax is being dishonest about why he wanted to mate with Karter really makes the whole house-hunting thing very distasteful anyway. "Do better." Ok, yeah, but at least Karter's honest. Jax isn't even honest about his rage; he pretends to be confused and sad. He comes across as very manipulative which I guess can be excused because of his trauma but Karter didn't cause the trauma so it seems unfair that he's the one being manipulated. I don't even really like Karter that much but I hate manipulation. Jax's motivations never even get addressed later so he never even has any character growth.
This is just me but the spelling of the two names with a K instead of the traditional C drove me crazy. My name is one that is traditionally spelled with a C but my parents used a K instead so I don't know why I disliked it so much with these names. Maybe it was just my general irritation with the book overall.
I would've given this book one star but I didn't hate it as much as I hated that Two Alphas for Sebastian or whatever the fuck it's called. That was a piece of hot garbage. This is just lukewarm garbage.