Helen Sword: The writer's diet (2007, Pearson Education New Zealand) 3 stars

Is your writing flabby or fit? The Writer's Diet will help you energise your writing, …

Review of "The writer's diet" on 'Storygraph'

3 stars

The writers diet is about: choosing active verbs, avoiding nomilzations, adverbs, and filler words. Use preposition that convey motion and use them with care. Keep the verb close the subject.
Great excersize: Abstract to concrete then back again – take abstract word and make it concrete. Take concrete word and make it abstract.
Avoid so called action verbs that are bland – have, make do and use.
Ion, ism, ty, ment, ness, ance,ence.
Use preposition with pep – motion not static.
That, there, this, it = Avoid as filler. Only used when it's clear what it is.
Avoid more than 2 preposition in a sentence.
In one hundred word – less then three to be verbs, less than four nominalizations, less than 14 prepostions. Less than three waste words, less then 6 ad-words that’s the formula