Review of 'Shop Class as Soulcraft: An Inquiry Into the Value of Work' on 'Goodreads'
5 stars
An excellent book. The author talks about a number of things that I've been thinking about many topics, and does it in a very engaging way, with quite a few footnotes for further reading. Working with one's hands versus not, different kinds of knowledge, communities of knowledge, what is a satisfying way to live, all sort of things.
I might add that I read this very fast (for me), so issues with slow, dragged-out writing that other reviewers mention did not occur to me. I had a fine time reading it in a brief period.
Other reviewers say that they think Dr. Crawford comes off as macho, or that the book is male-centered. It is true that women are mentioned very little throughout, and, I think, never as people whom the author admires. Specifically, there are no women referenced by name among his motorcycle/automobile mechanic comrades. I think this may be due to the field of motorcycle and auto mechanics possibly being a male-dominated field; I do not infer from this a wish on the part of the author for it to remain so - he does not address this situation. It is true that the book does not address feminist issues. I think that what the author does talk about is worth talking about, and I look forward to another book that addresses the same topics from a feminist perspective. If you can recommend one, please do.