
Review of 'Cassandra Curse' on 'Goodreads'

5 stars

4.5/5 stars, rounded up. A clever, well-written book full of mystery, intrigue, and beauty.

This book was really enjoyable and interesting and clearly well-edited. I originally picked this up because I encountered a patient who was reading it at the hospital, and asked more about the book and found it intriguing. The characters have a lot of depth and I really enjoyed reading about them and exploring them. The ending felt a little dissatisfying but I'm not sure why that is and I think it was just subjective. This is not really a genre that I typically read, so perhaps that's why. I do appreciate that the story ended and the plot wrapped up nicely.

I hugely appreciated the somewhat more realistic recovery from a severe head injury that is portrayed here, with her eventual recovery being seen as miraculous by healthcare providers. A lot of books have people just wake up with no deficits after a severe head injury and no explanation for this kind of wizardy that really does not happen physiologically. This patient had to undergo months of therapy as one would expect to relearn how to live, and had lasting problems from her head injury. The book gives a lot of Stranger Things type vibes with how the story turns out, so if you enjoyed Stranger Things and are looking for something a tad more adult, this book will probably be right up your alley. There's definitely room for a sequel which I think I would also enjoy.