
Illuminae is a 2015 young adult space opera epistolary novel written by Amie Kaufman and …

Review of 'Illuminae' on 'Goodreads'

3 stars

3.5 stars.

-Interesting format. I listened to the audiobook so I missed out on the art but the full cast made up for it imo.
-Unpredictable twists.
-Some delightfully gruesome moments.
-Anti-corporate theme.

-Flat characters.
-Central teenage romance that seems to be based on absolutely nothing except overly cute banter.
-Strong Female Protagonist TM.

Usually I'm more of a character over plot kind of person. I can handle long, plotless meanderings as long as the characters are compelling. In this case it was the plot that grabbed me as the characters are completely one dimensional and the relationships between them are flimsy at best. The main character is your stereotypical unrealistically Strong Female Character with all the brains and the beauty and her relationship with her boyfriend is overwrought and uninteresting. But I kept reading to find out what happened next regardless. The short chapters and variety of formats (IMs, emails, descriptions of security footage, wikipedia entries) kept the story moving and I genuinely could not predict what was going to happen. There were some super creepy elements that I don't want to give away and I was really more in it for the atmosphere than anything.

Will keep reading the series but have middling expectations.

Edit: S forgot to mention how fking annoying it is that this fking book fking censors every f***king swear. At first I thought I had some weird G rated version of the book but no this is how all versions are. In the audiobook it's fucking annoying. I had a look at the ebook and it seems just as bad. This is a YA book but lots of YA books have swears. Teenagers swear. Probably more than anyone. This book is full of graphic violence but god forbid we allow bad language.