User Profile


Joined 3 years, 4 months ago


I married a librarian and want to make a profile she'd be proud of. I love children's, YA, Fantasy, Linguistics, Philosophy, and History of Science. I study narrative as a mental technology.

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2025 Reading Goal

10% complete! Endless has read 2 of 20 books.

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Ellen Ryan, Conor Merriman: Gods Don't Cry (2024, Interlink Publishing Group, Incorporated) 4 stars

A fun foray into little known Irish mythology

4 stars

A fun collection of Irish gods and goddesses, where immortality means only "can't die of illness or age." we see handicapped, neuro divergent, doomed, tragic, trickster, and heroic. Much more "human" than Greek and Norse mythology - - and perhaps more ancient, too.

Ellen Ryan, Conor Merriman: Gods Don't Cry (2024, Interlink Publishing Group, Incorporated) 4 stars

A fun foray into little known Irish mythology

4 stars

A fun collection of Irish gods and goddesses, where immortality means only "can't die of illness or age." we see handicapped, neuro divergent, doomed, tragic, trickster, and heroic. Much more "human" than Greek and Norse mythology - - and perhaps more ancient, too.

Aaron Franklin: Spiritual Physics of Light (2021, Brigham Young University) 4 stars

Light is everywhere. It gives us vision, keeps us warm, and facilitates life. Light is …

A good engineers-perspective on physical and spiritual light

4 stars

He makes it very clear, from the start, that he is NOT talking with authority. Instead, like the science he lives by as an engineer, he proposes some highly plausible theories and backs them up exhaustively with scripture and the words of church leaders, often giving different ways things could be interpreted or thought about. In so doing, he provides much food for thought and brings up concepts and ideas that had never occurred to me, and I like it.

Brittany Chapman Nash: Let's Talk about Polygamy (2021, Deseret Book Company) 4 stars

Let's Talk about Polygamy, written by historian Brittany Chapman Nash, delves into the history of …

Well-researched and framed with balance

4 stars

She does a great job of pointing out the godlike benefits and equally the nightmare-tending consequences that followed polygamy among Mormons, while also being clear about modern takes on the now-forbidden practice. Nash gives a nicely balanced treatment to a topic that many are uncomfortable thinking about.