... the first two stories are already really, really good.
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Poet. Author of The Apidictor Tapes, The Knowledge Weapon, E.D. Liberations, The Five Parts of Love. Bookworm.
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Annette C. Boehm's books
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Annette C. Boehm started reading Gods of Want by K-Ming Chang
Do Not Read The Blurb
This book is another case of 'badly-blurbed book'. I knew nothing about the book or its author and went just by the blurb when I chose it. The blurb, however, does not do the book any favors. It has spoilers, for instance, that reach far into the novel. And it misses the central theme of the book. Also, this book - and it is a GOOD book, imho, - takes time. It makes slow reading unless you are familiar with Nigerian / African contemporary culture. If you are willing to invest this time, the story is quite something.
Annette C. Boehm finished reading Chronicles from the Land of the Happiest People on Earth by Wole Soyinka
Annette C. Boehm started reading Die Kunst sich selbst auszuhalten by Michael Bordt

Die Kunst sich selbst auszuhalten by Michael Bordt
Dies ist ein Buch über die innere Freiheit. Über die Freiheit, sein eigenes Leben zu führen und nicht das Leben, …
Annette C. Boehm rated A Man Called Destiny: 4 stars

A Man Called Destiny by Lan Wright (Double Novel Books, #D-311)
Jones Planet wasn't the best place to be stranded with a broken drive unit. But Richard Argyle didn't know how …