Tsunetomo Yamamoto: Hagakure (2014, Tuttle Publishing) 4 stars

Alex Bennett's completely new and highly readable translation of this essential work includes extensive footnotes …

Review of 'Hagakure' on 'Goodreads'

4 stars

An excellent look into the mind of a mid 17th Century samurai as to how he viewed the way of Bushido. It really helped bring together some of the concepts of Bushido that I've read about elsewhere, although I don't think it would be a good introduction to those concepts.

As a source of philosophy for modern life, I think it needs to be treated very carefully. There are some really good bits of insight, but nothing that you couldn't get from just about anyone who has managed to live four of five decades and had a bit of time to ponder things. Mixed in with that insight is some absolute horseshit (literally in the case of a recommended treatment for wounds).

Recommended for anyone who has done prior reading on the history of Japan, but not as an introductory text.