Jason Hickel: The Divide (2018, Windmill Books) 5 stars

· The richest eight people control more wealth than the poorest half of the world …

A brief guide to global inequality

5 stars

The mainstream narrative, pushed by personalities like Bill Gates and Steven Pinker, tells us that the world is getting better: poverty, disease, hunger are declining, and despite some inevitable setbacks, the trend toward progress is clear. There's only a problem with this story: it isn't true. In The Divide Jason Hickel illustrates the causes of global inequality, from colonialism to military coups, to debt and the present economic system, and shows why the narrative about progress and development is just a delusion. The divide between rich and poor countries is increasing, but it doesn't have to be this way. Poor countries are not poor because of some law of nature, but as a consequence of human intervention. Changing the current economic system to build a more fair and just world depends on us.