Review of 'Helix: Episode 5 (Inversion)' on 'Goodreads'
4 stars
Take a deep breath as this is an action pack story that moves at one hell of a pace. It is in the same world as Nathan's other books, there is no need to read them first but if you have and you enjoyed them then give this a go as Damien and Jay are in it. The whole concept has always reminded me of Ender's game, just not in space, and this episode continues to do that.
At first I thought the idea of having the story split into episodes would not work, I like to have the story in one go and work my way to the conclusion, I'm the same with TV I hate waiting each week for more episodes. Nathan does such a good job and crams so much into this episode that you'll be left needing a breather before the next episode is released.
Looking forward to episode 2.