The Gnome King reviewed All the Light We Cannot See by Anthony Doerr
Review of 'All the light we cannot see' on 'Goodreads'
3 stars
I've been left feeling really underwhelmed by this book, I was so looking forward to it, Pulitzer prize winner, good reviews from friends and one of the most impressive plots I've come across in a book. But the writing is poor, reminds me of [b:The Da Vinci Code|968|The Da Vinci Code (Robert Langdon, #2)|Dan Brown||2982101] at times, really rushed and no passion from the author. With the time the plot takes part you would expect to be shocked at some of the things that were happening, but I was left felling Meh! as a 14 yr old boy gets slapped around the face with a rubber hose, something has gone wrong if that scene makes you feel nothing.
The book was set for a 2* rating, but the last 15% of the book was what I was expecting, some exciting drama, moving scenes and really well written, it was like it was by a different author. If the rest of the book had been written like that then I would have considered this a modern day masterpiece.
Hope they make a movie of this, would be pretty good.