Kurt Vonnegut: Slaughterhouse-Five (Paperback, 1999, Chelsea House Publishers) 4 stars

Selected by the Modern Library as one of the 100 best novels of all time, …

Review of 'Slaughterhouse-Five' on 'Goodreads'

5 stars

My first book by Vonnegut, I only read it because after finishing [b:The Universe Versus Alex Woods|15984268|The Universe Versus Alex Woods|Gavin Extence||21738568] in which the characters create a book group to read the complete works of Vonnegut, I felt I needed to, to fully grasp that book. I can see how that book was heavily influenced by Vonnegut, the same quirkiness and style is there, little bits that get repeated are there too, also being told how the story ends at the beginning is another feature used.

Slaughterhouse-Five is amazing, it quickly drew me in and I had to keep coming back to it, no matter one I was doing the book was there with me. Billy Pilgrim is not an interesting character, he doesn't have much to say but he has lead an interesting life, surviving the Dresden bombing and plane crashes, time travel and space travel. This book seems to have a little bit of everything but is very tidily written so that you don't get lost as bits of the story are hinted at and then gradually fully revealed.

I am now definitely a Kurt Vonnegut fan and will be trying out more of his stuff.