Emma Donoghue: Room (2011, Back Bay Books) 4 stars

Room (London: Picador; Toronto: HarperCollins Canada; New York: Little Brown, 2010), Emma Donoghue's Man-Booker-shortlisted seventh …

Review of 'Room' on 'Storygraph'

5 stars

I surprised myself by the end of this book by how much I loved it. It disturbed me so much at the beginning that I actually set it down for a couple of months before finishing it. The idea of being kidnapped, raped repeatedly, and trapped in a tiny room with no windows for seven years frightened me more than horror films do. And even when ma and Jack escape, there's no guarantee that anything will be better. And really, talk about your unreliable narrator! Unique and terrifying.

I forgot to mention that my 5 star rating has more to do with the way this was written and the creative idea behind the story rather than how I actually responded to the story. It really freaked me out.