
Review of 'Nick Carter Killmaster Run, Spy, Run;' on 'Goodreads'

4 stars

I’ve been seeking these books for a long time. As a teenager, I remember we used to travel down to Amanzimtoti once a year, and on the street where we always used to stay, there was a pharmacy that sold the Nick Carter books. Every year I would buy one to read while we were on holiday.

This was before I understood the concept of a Book Series, and I do not know which ones I’ve read and in what order, so it’s a real pleasure to find them in ebook format.

Lots of memories came flooding back. I think the series has stood the test of time for me. This first one came out in the 1960s, and in my 2022 mind, one thing that stands out is the treatment of women. As it typical of the genre, the protagonist has a female counterpart. One whom the author takes great pains to describe in intimate physical detail. She’s an amazing spy in her own right, but she’s still portrayed as only really being worth anything because she’s beautiful and good in bed.

I think in that respect, it’s a product of its time. And I think it reflects that time well, in that respect.

But it’s a great story, and I’m glad I found it. I hope I can find the next one in ebook format too, because sadly, my eyesight has become too bad to read anything off paper anymore.