Sheila Heti: Motherhood (2018) 4 stars

In Motherhood, Sheila Heti asks what is gained and what is lost when a woman …

Review of 'Motherhood' on 'Goodreads'

5 stars

Five BIG stars: I have never before felt more “seen” when reading a book. The author describes so many things I have thought and felt, but was never able to articulate. That being said, I did not love the structure — it’s really more of a collection of essays about choosing whether or not to have a child, less than it is a novel. Nevertheless, I would heartily recommend this thought-provoking book to all women, whether or not they have chosen to have kids.

I particularly loved this bit: “I feel a new giddiness and wonder that I managed to pass through my childbearing years without bearing a child. It really feels like a miracle, like something I always set out to do, but had no faith that I would ever achieve. I didn’t know whether I would make it — but now there is relief inside.” I’ve been so excited to turn 45 this year, and now I realize this is why. Thank you, Sheila Heti, for giving us this book.