J.A. Pipes reviewed Bullshit Jobs by David Graeber
Review of 'Bullshit Jobs' on 'Goodreads'
4 stars
I was not familiar with David Graeber or his work prior to buying this book, but it's an interesting premise so I wanted to give him a chance to make his case. He shares some very interesting research, some anecdotal evidence, and even some compelling history to bolster his case that we've spent the last 50 years on a trajectory to implement all of the perversities of capitalism that theory tells us should be impossible.
I don't think anyone can deny the existence of pointless jobs (especially those saddled with them), but I'm not completely convinced that they are inevitable when following the path that western society has chosen. Also, as a fellow anarchist, I'm a bit surprised by some of David's proposals and his ultimate conclusion. I'm not sure how an anarchist can justify the positions that David takes in this book. I would be interested to read a follow-up dissertation on that by itself.
In the end, the book is interesting and sheds light on a problem that as the author points out, not a lot of people are aware of, or are willing to admit exists. Worth reading.