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Joined 1 year, 8 months ago

A reader. Occasional writer. I used to read mostly YA and fantasy but now this is sprinkled with Critical Theory adjacent texts

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Jamrock's books


James Lovelock: Novacene (Paperback, Bollati Boringhieri) 3 stars

Quando nel 1979 scrisse il suo primo libro su «Gaia» – la Terra interpretata come …

Notes on the ‘Novacene’ by James Lovelock

5 stars

Listening to a recent podcast on the topic of Posthumanism, I was made aware of the documentary Symbiotic Earth. This film describes the life and work of scientific rebel, Lynn Margulis, whose life was committed to revolutionary work on evolutionary biology. One of many fascinating scholars featured in the film was James Lovelock. Lovelock described how he refined and developed his Gaia hypothesis while working with Margulis. I marvelled at Lovelock being ninety years old at the time of the documentary being made. Looking up the series of books he wrote on his Gaia hypothesis, I marvelled even more when I discovered the most recent instalment, Novacene, was published in 2019, the year he turned one hundred years old. I have just completed reading Novacene and wanted to capture and consider some of the book’s key points. Validating some references, it was saddening to learn that Lovelock passed away last …