Naomi Alderman: The Power (PENGUIN GROUP) 4 stars

ix, 340 pages : 20 cm

Review of 'The Power' on 'Goodreads'

2 stars

By now I should know better than to start books with expectations that are too high.

I wanted to know how societies are transformed when women and girls develop strange powers that make them more, well, powerful then men. And that does play a role -- it is just presented in a way I did not enjoy.

The individual parts of this novel take place years apart and seemed disjointed to me. Some chapters consist mainly of dialogues between the protagonists, other are more action-filled, some read like reports. In some cases this could make a book feel more diverse; in this case I found it somehwat tedious to read.

Few of the characters are likable. That may be acceptable, but I also found myself not really caring too much what would happen to them. Ironically, the exception was a male protagonist, which may tell us more about me than about his book.

All in all a fascinating premise, whose execution unfortunately did not speak to me.