A. G. Riddle: Lost in Time (2023, Head of Zeus) 4 stars

Review of 'Lost in Time' on 'Goodreads'

4 stars

First 25% was bad. Short, choppy sentences. Lots of contradictions. The words didn't "flow." Almost ditched the book. But, I kept reading anyway, and am very glad I did.

After the first 25%, it was like I was reading a different author. Words flowed, reading became faster, the plot started to thicken, and I was very intrigued by that point. The rest of the book just kept getting better and better.

There were several places were I put the book down and marveled at what I just read. It got me thinking. And to me, that's the sign of a great story.

The story brilliantly wove threads together in imaginative ways. A few times I'd start saying "what ever happened to so and so? Must be a plot holes." But then sure enough, later in the story it was addressed, in a most creative and thoughtful way.

This was my first story from this author. Since it ended up so good, I'll be picking up another of his stories. Thanks Mr. Riddle.