
quoted Essays by Plutarch (Penguin Classics)

Plutarch, Ian Kidd, Robin Waterfield: Essays (Paperback, 1993, Penguin Classics) No rating

Selections from one of the greatest essayists of the Graeco-Roman world

Plutarch used an encyclopedic …

Since both the benefits and the dangers inherent in listening are equally great for young people, I am of the opinion that listening ought to be a constant topic of discussion in one's own mind and with other people. This is especially so because it is noticeable that most people go about the matter in the wrong way: they practise speaking before they have got used to listening, and they think that speaking takes study and care, but benefit will accrue from even a careless approach to listening. It may be the case that in ball games learning to throw and learning to catch the ball are simultaneous, but in dealing with speech proper receptivity is prior to delivery, just as conception and pregnancy precede the birth of viable offspring.

Essays by , , (Penguin Classics) (Page 29)

One reason why I will always enjoy reading ancient hellenistic philosophy is realizing how remarkably relevant their discussions on moral subjects still are today. Our technology may have evolved much further since their time, but our human nature most certainly has not.