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Joined 1 year, 6 months ago

I may only read a book once in a blue moon, but I at least like to chronicle and review the ones I have (:

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Kara's books

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commented on I Fell in Love with Hope by Lancali

Lancali: I Fell in Love with Hope (Paperback, 2022, Lancali LLC) 2 stars

Against the unforgiving landscape of a hospital, I fell in love with a mischievous, sun-eyed …

The book starts with a very somber emotional beginning, which honestly brought me close to tears, but it was very well contrasted by the next scene, which is just fun and childish, and it was done in a way that didn't feel forced or jarring

reviewed Cinder by Marissa Meyer

Marissa Meyer: Cinder (2012, Feiwel & Friends) 4 stars

Cinder Review

4 stars

3.75 stars Cinder was pretty good, a fun and interesting book. Nothing mind blowing, but I really enjoyed it. Not sure if I'll get the rest of the series though. I do like how the ending wasn't just "They kithed and lived happily ever after (:"