Philip K. Dick: The Three Stigmata of Palmer Eldritch (Paperback, 2013, Gollancz) 4 stars

Review of 'The Three Stigmata of Palmer Eldritch' on 'Goodreads'

3 stars

Oh goodie another PKD novel, Lets go through the checklist.

Dystopia: Catastrophic global warming and the UN sending people against their will to off-world colonies. Check.
Capitalist Satire: One of the greatest life goals is to live in an apartment building with the lowest address number possible. Check.
Drugs: Look at the book description in the back. Check.
Religious iconography: Look at the title at the front. Check.
Reality: It's PKD, so... Maybe.
Protagonist with petty concerns while facing cosmic uncertainty: The guy mostly worries about not getting wiped out by competition. Check.
Emotional Hook: Missing in Action

And that last bit is why it is a 3 for me. Everything that makes a PKD novel a PKD novel is here.
It is an interesting trip, but I just could not make myself care about the characters. Sometimes I think that if this was the first Philip K. Dick novel i read that i would have given it 4 stars instead.