
Powerful and haunting, The Positronic Man is an unforgettable novel that redefines Isaac Asimov's and …

Review of 'Positronic Man, The' on 'Goodreads'

5 stars

Like the most I read the short story "Bicentennial Man" first and quite recently too. This still hasn't diminished my enjoyment of the book. Asimov himself declared this his penultimate and favorite robot story and I find that it is mine too. Now, one can say that Silverberg just bloated up the story up to a full book which is basically true. But it also enriched the experience, primarily he given all the characters more depth in a way that Asimov never could. Now we must all begrudgingly agree that Asimov isn't a particularly good writer. I remember when I first started reading the Foundation series I was surprised by the simplicity of his characters especially when it came to presenting their inner thoughts. To me this was particularly obvious because previously I read the Ender series and I couldn't simply ignore his writing. But Asimov was a great SF writer, he brought to our minds some of the greatest ideas and concepts that captivate us to this day and put those first. Near the end of his career his writing did improve and he managed to write his most beautiful and touching robot story. And just like the first time I read the short story I was truly moved again after reading it in this form.