Mary Robinette Kowal: The Relentless Moon (EBook, 2020, Tom Doherty Associates) 5 stars

The Earth is coming to the boiling point as the climate disaster of the Meteor …

Review of 'The Relentless Moon' on 'Goodreads'

5 stars

Mary Robinette Kowal masterfully weaves a rich tapestry of endearing and nuanced characters, skilful and meticulously researched science, and an alternative history that is poignantly plausible.

Written in first person perspective, her choice of a female protagonist, one whose interpersonal skills are as sharp as her aeronautical ones, gives us a multi- layered insight into the politics of space.

Relentless Moon may be set in the past, but it serves as a parable for the future - what does it take to lead humanity to save itself?