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Sayf ad-Din al-Juwayni🔻

Joined 8 months ago

Question more — Answer one — لا اله الا الله محمد رسول الله. Friend of God's friends. Ash'ariyyah | Shafi'ism | Classical Republicanism. tg: [ kuonji_mansion ]

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Sayf ad-Din al-Juwayni🔻's books

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Currently Reading (View all 5)

Jean-Paul Sartre: La Nausea (Italian language, 1960, Arnoldo Mondadori) 3 stars

A fascinating existentialist novel, written in the form of a journal, about a historian who …


1 star

The book really lives up to its title, reading it is a nauseating experience of this mediocre read, the author himself is nauseating in his delusions, and the book itself is the epitome of the intellectual level of a frustrated drunk sitting at a beer stall. Those people who actually appreciated this work as something profound and intellectually meaningful - i have big doubts about their adequate perception of this world. Skip, 0/10.