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LunaReadsBooks Locked account

Joined 1 year ago

I like lots realistic fiction dystopian and romance Sometimes I pick out books because I like the cover art:)

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2025 Reading Goal

7% complete! LunaReadsBooks has read 5 of 63 books.

Madeline Miller: The Song of Achilles (Paperback, 2012, ecco) 5 stars

The Song of Achilles is a 2011 novel by American writer Madeline Miller. Set during …

“He’s half my soul as the poets say”

4 stars

It was very difficult for me to follow the plot of this book. My tiny brain was struggling to memorize all of the long ass names, and unfortunately I am not nerdy enough to have the system of society in Ancient Greece filed away in my brain. I was lost and confused and honestly a little bit bored, BUT I DON’T CARE. This was beautiful. It was queer joy, feminist anger, teen angst, and a wee little history lesson ALL IN ONE. The masterful way the author like spreads out the 21 year long plot line through out the book is masterful, and the characters and their individual actions are written so damn well, that I don’t even need to know the plot! The ending broke me, I was crying for literally the entire last sixty pages. This is the most beautiful story I’ve ever read. Not THE BEST, and …

Lynn Painter: Better Than the Movies (Paperback, 2022, Simon & Schuster Books For Young Readers) 4 stars

Liz Buxbaum has always known that Wes Bennett was not boyfriend material. You would think …

Liz Buxbaum has stolen my brain cells and my will to live. Send help.

3 stars

I kind of loved everything about this. The man is top tier in a way only a guy in a YA romance can be, the parents are all hilarious in a very “haha I'm Gen X and I’m dead inside let’s talk about it” kind of way, and the settings, THE VIBES, were TOP TEIR. It was the set up for a CUTE LITTLE COMFORT NOVEL. But the main character made me want to put myself into a paper shredder. I know a lot of her behaviors and bad habits are heavily centered around the death of her mother, and that is obviously valid, but her delusions, weird hate of other women just because a guy liked them, and insistence on being quirky, just DID NOT do it for me. I know that there are some pretty extreme Liz fans out there, but for me personally, she just kind …

Kate Elizabeth Russell: My Dark Vanessa (Paperback, 2020, William Morrow) 3 stars


3 stars

Everyone who I’ve ever heard talk about this book, either online or in real life, has talked about how they absolutely LOVE it, and how it made them cry and how it has a beautiful message about abuse and feminism as a whole. And while I do agree and really appreciate the message and themes, I didn’t love this one. Maybe I’m simply not the target age, and need to read it when I’m a bit older. But as of right now, though I appreciated this book and what it was trying to do, I was just kind of being a hater the whole time I was reading it. I was annoyed and angry the whole time, but for some reason I never quite felt sad. AND I’M NOT TRYING TO SOUND LIKE AN ANTI-FEMINIST OR ANYTHING LIKE THAT, OBVIOUSLY EVERYTHING THE WOMEN GO THROUGH IS ABSOLUTELY HORRIBLE, I just …

Lauren Roberts: Reckless (2024, Simon & Schuster Books For Young Readers) 5 stars

We love a romantasy man who wears flower crowns

5 stars

This book broke me in two, while simultaneously preforming an exorcism on me, and ridding life of its horrifying reality. I would like so much to say that this was just a silly little series that was all fun and games, and I’m DEFINITELY not crying now, but all of that is in fact, wildly untrue. This was insanity in a weirdly addicting way, and if Kai and Pae don’t get a cute little ending, and throw themselves into each others arms, I am going to go live in a hole and rot there for the rest of my mortal life. Can’t wait for book 3!!!

reviewed Powerless by Lauren Roberts

Lauren Roberts: Powerless (2023, Lauren Roberts) 4 stars

My Roman Empire is when Kai Azer puts a damn shirt on

4 stars

UG I wanted to dislike this book so bad. It’s weirdly overwritten and dramatic and the male main character is so cliche, for me it seemed like it’d be like a more hunger games focused Shatter Me. But it wasn’t. For some odd reason, I loved this book so much and blew through it really fast, and got really invested and attached to the characters. Kai is oddly heartwarming, Kitt is an interesting look on what can happen when you do nothing but seek approval, and I kind of adored the way Paedyn ruthlessly gaslight, gatekeep, girlbossed her way through everything.