David Bach: Debt free for life (2010, Doubleday Canada) 2 stars

Review of 'Debt free for life' on 'Goodreads'

2 stars

Like a lot of people of my generation, I have more debts than I am entirely comfortable with. When I saw a free PDF of this book pop-up on a blog I follow back in January, I grabbed it and added it to my reading list. It's been languishing in my list for a while, but I finally got around to reading it. Now having finished it, I must say I'm glad I got it for free. It's not that the book is full of inaccurate info, but rather:
* The book contains a lot of self-promotion for the author's other books and services.
* I'm apparently not in the target audience of people who's finances are completely & totally fubared.
* The info in the book is all stuff easily obtained from other sources and/or is stuff you likely know if you've ever taken an entry level course in either economics or accounting.

That being said:
* The testimonials (when they're not directly praising the author) can be inspiring to those who want to work on reducing their debt.
* The worksheets included in the book look like they could be helpful in analyzing your debt. Though as I converted the PDF to an eBook and read it on my iPhone, I could be mistaken about that.
* Occasionally the author would group together bunches of links to sites where more info on a topic could be found. Those batches of links seem likely to hold more info than the book itself does.

In the end, I'm kind of ambivalent about the book except to say it won't get a recommendation from me.