Martinza rated How Civil Wars Start: 4 stars
How Civil Wars Start by Barbara F. Walter
The influence of modern life on the civil wars, with an emphasis on grievance, faction and democratic backsliding.
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The influence of modern life on the civil wars, with an emphasis on grievance, faction and democratic backsliding.
The overall theme didn’t give me much more insight, because I was already exposed to empire „maybe not so good“ beforehand, but has a lot of interesting anecdotes. The splitting of the sources in numbered notes indicated in the text and author name sorted ones in the bibliography is confusing
Covers a very wide range of events and connects them. Therefore, it doesn’t go much into detail. A mix of history research and witness interviews
Important topic which is not discussed enough. A bit much repetition of very similar points
It is about usa southern states slavery, it is hard to read, it is very good. The time travel element brought it emotionally much closer to me in contrast to a „it was a long time ago - it was very bad“ story. The only well used time travel in any story I can remember at the moment. A focus is on different kinds of human relations in the context of slavery.
Unique perspective on 70s Punk. More about life than music. I actually liked the part when she is around 50 the most.
I learned a lot about sexism, misogyny and feminism besides the trans stuff
Viele Statistiken zu unterschiedlichen Aspekten eines der Hauptprobleme unserer Zeit “Umverteilung von unten nach oben” am Beispiel Österreichs. Viele leicht zu lesende Graphen und auch der Text dazu ist knapp und leicht zugänglich. An Ende jedes Kapitels ist immer eine kurze Einordnung der Propaganda von Oben zum jeweiligen Thema
Really strong in showing how an enthusiastic democratically elected real left wing government is suffocated by the establishment institutions.
Didn’t age well in some ways. The way most female characters are written is pretty cringe, one-dimensional and misogynistic