Mason Carter reviewed Gothic Poems to Love & Liberty by Mason Carter
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5 stars
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When I was young, in my school days, I was into religions. I wanted to read about spiritism but at that time all books I could find were in Portuguese. So, I added a Brazilian woman as a friend and asked her for help one day. She sent me almost 16 books in English and this was one of them. It was the happiest day of my life as I remember. During summer vacations I sat in front of my pc and completed most of them in two months. I would read them for hours and hours. I had a fascination with reading religions. This book brings back those nostalgic memories and subsequent happiness back again. Loved it then and hope to read it again. Kardec was amazing.
One of my students who belonged to Hinduism gifted it to me. I really loved it. Krishna's advice to Arjun is full of wisdom. Importance of Karma, what you do defines you and sincerity with the job. It makes one rethink all ethical dimensions. A wonderful work.
Of course I love it. I keep reading it still. I always have one with me at home.
One of my favourite books of all time. I even did my thesis on it. I would highly suggest it to anyone. Though negated by modern sciences and psychology you will be amazed how much of social Darwinism still lurks in today's "common sense" as manufactured by ones in control. Usually the arguments that are quite famous and repeated often to support capitalism and fascism still unconsciously arise from long negated but not yet dead social Darwinism. This work is the only complete response and scientific negation of social Darwinism. Social Darwinism in the past has been a weapon of fascists, totalitarians (tankies), and capitalists alike to support their arguments. You will be amazed how many common arguments in favour of racism, colonization, patriarchy and the mindset of such poisonous nature are production of social Darwinism. Kropotkin was amazing! I love all of his writings.
One of the finest sources on Dialectical Materialism. I loved the diction and overall writing style. Often people are really misinformed, I have seen really well educated people, even some so-called Marxists reducing dialectics to only triads of thesis antithesis and synthesis. I wish only more people would read it and get informed and know how misinformation is so common and why we should at all costs avoid the fallacy of appeal to authority.