May Anderson reviewed Dying Butterfly by D. Fletcher
Review of 'Dying Butterfly' on 'Goodreads'
5 stars
I read the audio version of this book and it was terrific!
OMG, warning! What a story! This will make you laugh at some of the things that goes on and definitely bring tears to your eyes the next moment. Instead of hiding away and waiting for the world to get back to what use to be normal everyone that was healthy fought to survive and make a new life with what they had and could find. The creativity and hard work put into making a village above ground and below was amazing. This story made me constantly think even if just a story, if they could do it, mean survive and keep going, why can't we?
Reading this story brought back memories of going through the beginning of Covid. Brad the neighbor and holly's dad bought all the important things you could think of, batteries, water, gas, food and medical supplies for example in bulk. So much so that all Holly and her mom could do was roll their eyes thinking the men were going overboard. Then that time came when the stores couldn't keep the shelves stocked or the trucks couldn't even make it to the stores safely, the lights went out and life as you knew it was over and those preparations came in handy.
Like Holly I also wondered both in the story and in real life what was the point of the questionnaires? People had no clue what to do when some people answered yes to some of the questions. I have to agree that the the health people had to feel like they were doing something, but what that something was, no one knows. Where do you go, how do you react, what do you say to a person that answers yes?
There are several times during the story that Holly definitely shows her selfishness. She gets an dea in her head and it just has to be done no matter what, act first and thinks later. Made me want to reach through the book and shake her! lol.
This is another story narrated by Heidi Bindhammer and wow she does a great job! The emotion she puts behind each character and situation is terrific. I mentioned at the beginning that this story would make you want to cry and it's due to Heidi that those situations will become real to you.
Hope should never die!
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