Reviews and Comments
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MikeSharpeWriter rated Harley Quinn and Power Girl: 3 stars

Harley Quinn and Power Girl by Amanda Conner, Jimmy Palmiotti, Amanda Conner
"It's a cosmic adventure beyond your wildest imaginings: Power Girl and Harley Quinn, stranded in a forgotten dimension, on the …
MikeSharpeWriter rated Study Guide: 3 stars
MikeSharpeWriter rated MALBUCH : My Hero Academia: 4 stars
MikeSharpeWriter rated Doctor Who: Zagreus.: 4 stars

Doctor Who: Zagreus. by Alan Barnes, Gary Russell (Doctor Who S -- No. 50)
Zagreus sits inside your head
Zagreus lives among the dead
Zagreus sees you in your bed
And eats you when …
MikeSharpeWriter rated Eight Ball: 4 stars

M.R. Forbes: Eight Ball (EBook)
Eight Ball by M.R. Forbes (Starship for Sale, #6)
When things fell apart, they fell apart fast, leaving Ben to pick up the pieces.
Unwilling to succumb or surrender, …
MikeSharpeWriter rated Shadow of the Conqueror: 4 stars
MikeSharpeWriter rated The Sirens of Time: 5 stars
MikeSharpeWriter rated Naruto, Vol. 1: 3 stars

Masashi Kishimoto: Naruto, Vol. 1 (1991, VIZ)
Naruto, Vol. 1 by Masashi Kishimoto (Naruto, #1)
Uzumaki Naruto didn't know the people of his village hated him because the spirit of a demon fox that destroyed …
MikeSharpeWriter rated The Universe of Douglas Adams: 4 stars

Mostly Harmless (Hitch Hiker's Guide to the Galaxy) by Douglas Adams (Hitchhiker's guide to the galaxy -- 5)
MikeSharpeWriter rated So Long, and Thanks for All the Fish: 4 stars

So Long, and Thanks for All the Fish by Douglas Adams (Hitchhikers Trilogy of Five, #4)
Just as Arthur Dent's sense of reality is in its dickiest state he suddenly finds the girl of his dreams. …
MikeSharpeWriter rated Life, the universe, and everything.: 4 stars

Life, the universe, and everything. by Douglas Adams (Hitchhikers Guide #3)
For two books, humankind has been unaware ofa not inconsequential snippet of information. The most careful consultation of The Hitch-Hiker's …
MikeSharpeWriter rated Huntress: 4 stars
MikeSharpeWriter rated Keep Away: 4 stars

Keep Away by M.R. Forbes (Starship for Sale, #3)
Ben knows that if he’s going to make it as a starship captain, something’s got to give. After another unexpected …