Natalie Zina Walschots: Hench (Hardcover, 2020, William Morrow) 4 stars

Review of 'Hench' on 'Goodreads'

5 stars

Hot damn I loved this book. LOVED. THIS. BOOK.

Ms. Walschots's style is punchy and direct. There's no fat on this book. Ms. Walschots opts to skip the parts of a story that might be mundane and delivers a story with the crisp, action-packed editing of a fight in a Rocky film and the casual obscenity of a Kevin Smith diatribe.

Not to take anything away from Ms. Walschots, but any fan of Mr. Smith's work will be right at home here. Yes, it's a superhero tale, but the protagonist isn't a hero, and isn't super. She focuses on the aspects of superhero-dom that resonate with the same blue-collar vibe as Smith's "what about the independent contractors on the Death Star" speech in Clerks.

There's plenty of space for a sequel here, and I hope to see one in the future... along with a TV show or movie. Because this book ROCKED.