Camara, Laye., Laye Camara: The radiance of the king (2001, The New York Review Books) 2 stars

"At the beginning of this book, a masterpiece of African literature, Clarence, a white man, …

Review of 'The radiance of the king' on 'Goodreads'

2 stars

It's something like [b:The Heart of Darkness|616828|Heart of Darkness/The Secret Sharer|Joseph Conrad||1785260] written in the style of [b:Steppenwolf|16631|Steppenwolf|Hermann Hesse||57612] but for some reason it keeps reminding me of [a:Herman Melville|1624|Herman Melville|]'s [b:The Confidence Man|12036|The Confidence-Man|Herman Melville||13340108].