Retelling: lo stai facendo bene.
Reviews and Comments
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MsElisaB reviewed La morte della Pizia by Friedrich Dürrenmatt (Piccola Biblioteca Adelphi -- 216)
MsElisaB rated L'arte di legare le persone: 4 stars
MsElisaB rated Il fascismo eterno: 4 stars

Il fascismo eterno by Umberto Eco
“Ritengo sia possibile indicare una lista di caratteristiche tipiche di quello che vorrei chiamare l’‘Ur-Fascismo’, o il ‘fascismo eterno’. L’Ur-Fascismo …
MsElisaB rated Reasons to stay alive: 4 stars

Reasons to stay alive by Matt Haig
"Like nearly one in five people, Matt Haig suffers from depression. Reasons to Stay Alive is Matt’s inspiring account of …

Danielle Steel: Promesse (Paperback, 1990, Sonzogno)
Promesse by Danielle Steel
Determined to get married despite parental disapproval, young architect Michael Hillyard and artist Nancy McAllister are separated just before their …
MsElisaB rated Total Eclipse of the Heart: 1 star
MsElisaB rated Buskashì. Viaggio dentro la guerra: 5 stars
MsElisaB rated Confidenza: 3 stars
MsElisaB rated All My Friends Are Dead: 3 stars

All My Friends Are Dead by Avery Monsen
If you're a dinosaur, all of your friends are dead. If you're a pirate, all of your friends have scurvy. …
MsElisaB rated All my friends are still dead: 3 stars
MsElisaB rated La matematica e politica: 4 stars
MsElisaB reviewed Mancarsi by Diego De Silva (L'arcipelago Einaudi -- 197)
Review of 'Mancarsi' on 'Goodreads'
3 stars
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