
commented on English, August by Upamanyu Chatterjee (New York Review Books classics)

Upamanyu Chatterjee: English, August (2006, New York Review Books) 4 stars

Agastya Sen, the hero of English, August, is a child of the Indian elite. His …

"‘This is a very ambitious one. I wanted to suggest an Indian writer writing about India, after having spent many years abroad, or living there. There are hundreds of them — well, if not hundreds, at least twenty-five. I find these people absurd, full with one mixed-up culture and writing about another, what kind of audience are they aiming at. That's why their India is just not real, a place of fantasy, or of confused metaphysics, a sub-continent of goons. All their Indians are caricatures. Why is that. Because there really are no universal stories, because each language is an entire culture.’"