The runner has a view of life that makes all the jogging and racing worthwhile.
— George Sheehan on Running to Win by George Sheehan (Page 20)
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The runner has a view of life that makes all the jogging and racing worthwhile.
— George Sheehan on Running to Win by George Sheehan (Page 20)
The torchbearer of the barefoot running movement, sparked by his global bestseller Born to Run, Chris McDougall offers practical advice …
The torchbearer of the barefoot running movement, sparked by his global bestseller Born to Run, Chris McDougall offers practical advice …
McDougall reveals the secrets of the world's greatest distance runners--the Tarahumara Indians of Copper Canyon, Mexico--and how he trained for …
McDougall reveals the secrets of the world's greatest distance runners--the Tarahumara Indians of Copper Canyon, Mexico--and how he trained for …
"Assez tôt, j'ai compris que je n'allais pas pouvoir faire grand-chose pour changer le monde. Je me suis alors promis …