Lisa Kleypas, Barbara Cartland: Suddenly You (Paperback, 2006, Avon) 3 stars

Amanda Briars buys herself a most improper gift -- one night of passion with a …

Review of 'Suddenly You' on 'Goodreads'

5 stars

So this says I last read this or at least put it in my goodreads page in 2009. I know I read this a few times, but regardless of how many, it has been a while - so yeah to the audio version that I got this weekend. Now, I certainly remembered the general idea of this book, which is basically the blurb, so I won't repeat that, but most especially the raspberries. But boy, did I forget how hot it really was - so it's a good thing I always use headphones while at work and listening to whatever it is I'm listening too. ;) But putting aside the super hot love scenes, I had forgotten how good it was with the rest - Amanda and her career, going against what society expected of her, Jack and how he grew up, accepting her as she was and she of him - sure, there were the one or two times where it would have been so much easier for them to talk about certain things instead of not, but hey, that't why I'm not the author. So, still liked this one after all this time! :)