Viktor E. Frankl, Ilse Lasch, Gordon Allport: Man's Search for Meaning (Paperback, 1971, Pocket Books) 4 stars

Dr. Viktor E. Frankl is professor of psychiatry and neurology at the University of Vienna, …

Doesn't need my opinion

3 stars

But... I didn't really engage with it. The stories are obviously huge and terrible and we all should know all of this very well. And I do. It was just nothing that I didn't already deeply know at this point in my life so I abandoned the book without finishing it. But you know, do read it. Kids: read it! If there's anything in there that you didn't know, or that can still unlock new depths of humanity for you, you must read it! I didn't need to at this point and there's so much to be read and so little time! So I moved on pretty quick.