
finished reading Der Name der Rose by Umberto Eco (dtv -- 10551)

Umberto Eco: Der Name der Rose (Paperback, German language, 1986, Deutscher Taschenbuch-Verlag) 4 stars

Lizenzausgabe mit freundlicher Genehmigung des Carl Hanser Verlags, München - Wien

So, I'm new to Bookwyrm and discovering... So best to start with this gem. It's actually my favorite book - like in "my top 1 of all time". I have read it 4 times? 5 times? I've read the epilogue a lot more often. Can't really tell you why I love it soo much. Probably because it's a medieval story, a murder mystery to be precise. Probably because it has a medieval Sherlock Holmes in it. Doing all his Sherlock Holmes things: doing impossible deductions from absolutely tiny evidence, being all reasonable, explaining stuff to a flabbergasted Watson, i mean Adson. And Eco being an expert on everything he is writing here about makes it immersive and so incredibly detailed... And its commentary about open information, censorship, reason, the love for books. I'll stop now, otherwise I just end up reading it again.