
Review of 'Jam' on 'Goodreads'

4 stars

Yahtzee Croshaw's Jam starts out with a simple, but interesting premise where Brisbane finds itself in a post-apocalyptic state courtesy of, well, jam. The story follows Travis who realizes that the jam in question is no laughing matter as his roommate, Frank, dies while wading into the sticky depths. Shortly after, Travis confides in Tim, Angela, and Don Sunderland from Mogworld-well, sort of-as they try to navigate a jam-devoured city.

Jam starts out strong. The comedy is spot-on with the dialogue and the action picks up quickly with characters who may know more than they're letting on. I found some of the jam survival tactics pretty neat and the denizens in the later buildings and malls had their own ways of surviving the jam-pocalypse.

Does drag out somewhat near the end, but still worth the read.