Rocky <3 reviewed Scarborough by Catherine Hernandez
A Meandering "Review" of Scarborough
5 stars
Content warning Mild Spoilers
Going into this book, having not really read anything beyond periodicals since the fall, I was scared that I would bounce off this one and that it would be left in some half complete state.
The exact opposite. Once I picked this up it was very hard to put down. Hernandez expertly brings us into the lives of a cast of characters that, for many of us who live in Toronto: we know. Perhaps they are lives we know well, lives that we lived ourselves or, in my case: they are the lives of those people we don't stop and think to imagine complexly: the people on the busses, the subways and behind the till. The faces we see and all too often forget.
Hernandez renders these lives in full colour.
If you haven't, you should read this book.